More tweaking with the Threshold & Comfort levels and noticed minor changes in the higher freq's in both mappings, nothing major
The CUNY ( City University of New York ) listening test i.e. listening to CD with long sentences i.e some up to 14-20 words, with American accent was a breeze and scored the following
CUNY score 99%correct with both left & right processors on ( bilateral )
CUNY score 99% correct in the left processor alone with right processor turned off
CUNY score 99% correct in the right processor alone with left processor turned off
I am very happy with that results considering that I only had my right implant implanted seven months ago
Mapping update - June 2009

Left map 12/6/2009

Right Map 12/6/2009
I have an appointment Friday week for Mapping and check up, looking forward to see what progress has been made since the February Mappings.
Drawing of bilateral cochlear implants from my 3 year old son